The Gilded City – the Victorian and Edwardian city
Our walking tours are taken by GCHT Building Grants Officer, Niall Murphy who is a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge!
From the 1830s onwards, as the population rose and the rapidly industrialising city boomed, Glasgow was transformed. This age gave rise to some of the city’s finest buildings and urban set pieces located along the gridded streets of the city centre. Highlights include Royal Exchange Square with its link to Paris’s Arc du Triomphe, the Ca’ D’oro, Venetian Palaces and the French Second Empire, Central Station – one of the greatest Railway stations in the UK, the best commercial works of Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson, James Miller and Sir
JJ Burnet, the influence of the Chicago Worlds Fair and the apprentice’s touching tribute to his master.
Date: 21st June
Time: 6pm-8pm
Price: £10 per person
Start point: GCHT Offices Running time: Approx 2 hours
To book a place on the tour, please email
or call 0141 552 1331.
Please ensure that you arrive at least 10 minutes before the start time of the event, as the walking tour will leave at 6pm sharp. GCHT can not accommodate latecomers.