Event Calendar March 2025todaySunMonTueWedThuFriSat23EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture Maker24252627281Taking Care of Your Tenement2EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture Maker3456789EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture Maker10111213141516EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture MakerMoments of Beauty: A Walking Tour17181920212223EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture Maker24252627CPD: Structural Repairs to a Historic Townhouse2829***SOLD OUT*** Workshop: Tailor Made City with Alis Le May30EXHIBITION: Wylie & Lochhead – Scotland’s Most Successful Furniture Maker3112345