Thursday 15th February 2018 | 6-8pm | St Luke’s, Bain Street
73% of us in Glasgow live in flats, compared with around 24% in most comparable English cities. In Spain and Germany flatted living is much more prevalent, so are we just more European, north of the border? Or are our traditional tenements actually a quirk of British housing? Our panel of speakers will discuss the character of tenements in Glasgow and beyond and what our housing pattern means for the city.
Panellists will include:
- Florian Urban, Glasgow School of Art
- John Joseph Burns, Architect
- Lluis Bosch, Institute of Urban Landscape, Barcelona
- Graham Bell, North of England Civic Trust
- Chair: Ranald MacInnes, Historic Envrionment Scotland.
This is the latest in our series of successful The City Talks events. The City Talks are two-way debates between audience and panel, kick-started by the Chair. The Chair will introduce the topic, and each panel member will be asked to speak briefly on the topic. The floor will then be open for questions and discussion with the panel.
Please note: Payment is taken via PayPal but you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay online.